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June 2023

LAMSE will collaborate with the company CORPORACION NOBLE for the representation and distribution of LAMSE products in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. CORPORACIÓN NOBLE is a Central American company, founded in El Salvador with more than 10 years of experience. They provide innovative solutions that improve safety and health, with simple and easy-to-use applications and offer superior added value.

April 2022

LAMSE will collaborate with the company DOZYMETRIS in order to represent and distribute LAMSE products in Poland. DOZYMETRIS is a Polish company that sells radiation monitors and other instruments for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation, with more than 10 years of experience in the nuclear measurement industry, national service, military and medical clients.

February 2022

LAMSE will collaborate with the company DOSITRACKER for the representation and distribution of LAMSE products in Romania. DosiTracker is a Romanian startup that is providing local and international customers with integrated solutions for the dosimetry of ionizing radiation present in working environments from health and industry

June 2019

The equipment for measurement and detection of radiation and radioactive contamination of LAMSE have been present and have participated in the Practical Schools in Technological Risks organized by the Group of Intervention in Technological and Environmental Emergencies of the Military Unit of Emergencies (UME) celebrated in this month of June in the Torrejón Air Base (Madrid), headquarters of the UME.
The purpose of these courses is the unification of protocols for action in the event of a nuclear/radiological incident, in benefit of the interoperability between the different intervening parties, the decontamination of the intervening personnel and possible affected, and finally, the minimization of the possible environmental impact of an event of this type.
Likewise, it has been an opportunity to show the new family of monitors ERiS2 to the security and emergency bodies participating in the schools.

December 2018

Two new models of radiation monitors of the ERiS2 family are operational. This is the ERiS2-R10 and the ERiS2-R100. The latter is the natural successor of the Eris1R model, since it has the same detector but with much more features. Both have high quality Geiger-Müller type detectors, and with energy compensating filter, for the measurement of gamma and X-ray radiation.
The ERiS2-R100 has a measuring range up to 100 mSv/h. However, the ERiS2-R10 has a range up to 10 mSv/h but is more sensitive and is capable of measuring from 25-30 KeV which makes it more appropriate to detect low levels of radiation or X-rays. Unlike the ERiS2-M/G models, they are not multisonde monitors so they can not connect external probes, although they do have the same functions such as data memory, menus, measurement types, etc.
It has an internal lithium-ion battery of great capacity and easy to recharge Thanks to its USB connectivity, the ERiS2 can be recharged with an adapter plugged into the electrical plug, from the PC or laptop, from a power-bank or in a vehicle with a 12V socket.
More details about the ERiS2-R here.

July 2018

The new radiation monitor designed and manufactured by LAMSE is already on the market. This is the ERiS2, a great evolution from its predecessor, the Eris1. The ERiS2-M is a mutisonde radiameter to which external probes of ambient radiation and radioactive contamination can be connected. As the future replacement for the MS6020 multi-sonde monitor, the ERiS2 is fully compatible with the external probes of the MS6020.
The ERiS2-M/G has data memory, with different recording modes (manual, auto, with timer) and a complete data download software. Different variants of the ERiS2 come out to adjust to the needs and applications of the user, depending on whether or not an internal detector is needed, and in case of needing it, the possibility of choosing between two internal detectors. The most advanced models, ERiS2-G, in addition to the previous ones, have integrated a GPS sensor to geolocate the measurements recorded in the data memory.
It has an internal lithium-ion battery of great capacity and easy to recharge Thanks to its USB connectivity, the ERiS2 can be recharged with an adapter plugged into the electrical plug, from the PC or laptop, from a power-bank or in a vehicle with a 12V socket.
More details about the ERiS2-M/G here.

January 2018

This 2018 is a very special year for LAMSE because we turn 30, with the wish to work and collaborate with our customers with the same enthusiasm, hard working and commitment of the last 30 years.

September 2017

LAMSE has supplied to the company IDOM Ingeniería y Consultoría S.L. a system for detecting and measuring levels of Gamma radiation and X-rays. This system will be installed in part of the Jules Horowitz research Reactor (JHR) in Cadarache (France) in which IDOM participates in its design and construction. The measuring system consists of four Area Radiation Monitor RM1001B-RDM with external probes RD1L and whose radiological measurements will be integrated in the system of control of the installation. The Jules Horowitz reactor is the European research reactor for the study of materials and fuels to be used in current and future nuclear reactors and for the production of radioactive isotopes for medical use for diagnosis and therapy. It has a power output of approximately 100 megawatts and has a planned service lifespan of around 50 years.

15 March 2016

Some of LAMSE products were in the International Security, Safety and Fire Exhibition (SICUR), celebrated from 23th to 26th of Febraury 2016 in Madrid (Spain), showed by Military Emergencies Unit (UME), branch of the Spanish Armed Forces responsible for providing disaster relief. This unit has LAMSE instruments for detecting and measuring ionizing radiation in case of nuclear or radiological emergency. In particular, the URO VAMTAC unit for analysis in areas with NRBQ risks has a LAM35 module with 4 radiation probes to monitor the radiation level in real time. Besides, UME unit has several suitcases equipped with MS6020 multisonde monitor, a complete set of radiation and radioactive contamination sondes, and a telescopic pole.

In next video, more details of URO unit for analysis in areas with NRBQ risks

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19 February 2016

From March 2016, the CT115BG sonde, connected to MS6020 multisonde monitor, in addition to detect Alpha+Beta+Gamma and especially appropiated to detect low energy gammas, can discriminate to measure only Alphas.

18 February 2016

The multisonde monitor MS6020 and CT15 sonde of LAMSE have participated in the paper published in the XXXIII Congress of the Spanish Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, about the calibration of radioactive contamination instruments for measuring Ra223. The objective of this paper is determine the preparation of Ra223 sources to calibrate the radioactive contamination instruments and be able to calibrate superficial radioactive contamination monitors and obtain its efficiencies for Ra223. According this paper the CT15 sonde has a efficiency of 20% for Ra223. See document (pdf, in spanish)

17 February 2016

From Febraury 2016, the Eris1R radiameter has a extended measuring range up to 100 mSv/h. Until now, the measuring range was up to 50 mSv/h. Therefore, this new range means a considerable improvement of thechnical specifications and a better application, such as the use in nuclear and radiological emergencies.

6 November 2015

The RM1001-RD radiation monitor of LAMSE has taken part in a study published by the "International Journal of Cancer Therapy and Oncology", titled "Public exposure from I-131 hospitalized isolated patiens...". The aim of this research is to determine the dose rate recieved by public in corridor at Hospital and non-radioactive patiens in adjacent room from I-131 administered isolated patients. This study concludes that the exposure rate for these people is almost within the limits of 1 mSv as specified in national and international standards. See document (pdf, in english)

24 October 2015

We launch our new web site!! More complete, more information, details, pictures... In Products section, you can find all the information and details about our products sorted by Types and by Models in order to help you find the most appropriate instruments for your requirements. In Support section, information about how to proceed in case you need our Technical Service and other useful information. In Company section, there is information about our company, news, etc. And finally, you will find information about where we are and different ways to contact us in Contact section.

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