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Gamma and X-Rays radiation, and Alpha, Beta, Gamma contamination monitor.

The ERiS2-D is a monitor that allows two different types of measurement: dose rate of gamma radiation and X-ray (µSv/h), and alpha, beta and gamma radioactive contamination rate (cps).

Geiger detector.
Geiger-Müller type detector with mica window for the detection of alpha, beta and gamma. To measure gamma radiation and RayosX it is done with a filter.
Rechargeable Ion-Li battery
Internal rechargeable Ion-Lithium battery of great capacity and with multiple recharge options (PC, electric network, vehicles, power-bank, etc).
Small and lightweight
Compact instrument, of reduced dimensions and only 220 g.
Data memory.
Manual and automatic recording of measurement values, with date, time, parameters, etc.
USB connectivity
It has a USB port for connection to the PC for downloading data. It also allows recharging the internal battery.
For downloading stored values, and data management.
User friendly
The navigation through the menus is very intuitive and it has the possibility to choose language (Spanish or English). That makes it a very easy to use device.
Several measurement modes.
Rate mode for the measurement of the current radiation, freezing mode of the maximum value reached, search mode, counter-timer in contamination mode.
Quick response.
Stable measurement combined with rapid response to a sudden variation of the radiation field greater than 3 times the standard deviation of the mean value.
Auto diagnosis.
Continuous checking of the status of the detector, the battery level, and alarm levels.
Adjusted and calibrated.
After manufacture, each instrument is adjusted and calibrated individually for ambient equivalent dose H*(10), with the reference radioisotope Cs137. A complete traceable Certificate is delivered with the instrument.
It is delivered with a carrying case type shoulder bag, USB cable, software, user manual and certificate of manufacturer calibration. Optional accessories include a charger to connect to the vehicle, etc.

The ERiS2-D , which is the evolution of the Eris1D model, is a portable radiometer, small in size, compact and very light, which allows two different types of measurement: the measurement of gamma radiation and X-Rays dose rate (µSv/h), and the measurement of the alpha, beta and gamma radioactive contamination rate (cps).

The ERiS2-D has a Geiger-Müller detector with an open mica window for detecting the alpha, beta and gamma contamination. The measure of contamination rate (cps) is performed placing the filter so that the window of the detector is completely open. The measure of equivalent dose rate (µSv/h) is performed placing the filter so that the window of the detector is completely covered. The way to switch the type of measure is very easy: simply turning the filter, covering or not the window. A sensor detects the filter position and sets automatically the measuring type on the display.

The monitor is ready to use as soon as it is turned on and the surfing on the menu is very intuitive and user-friendly. Its sophisticated firmware calculates the average value of the detected events in last seconds, correcting the dead time of the detector. This reading is very stable, but it is automatically updated when the radiation field varies more than three times the standard deviation of the previous reading. This makes the monitor has a fast response time and steady readings.

Both the measuring mode in µSv/h and the measuring mode in cps, the ERiS2-D has a search mode consisting of a graph with the last 30 measures with a time constant of only 5 seconds, so it is possible to intuitively see small changes in radiation levels. In adition, in the measuring mode in cps it has the counter mode where it is possible to count during a time set by the user, ideal for smear measurements.

The two types of measurement, radiation rate and pollution rate, have independent and adjustable alarm threshold values remaining memorized in the non-volatile memory. If the measurement exceeds these values, an alarm message will be displayed on the screen, in addition to an indication bright and/or sound. In addition, the ERiS2-D continuously checks the status of the equipment , displaying a message on the screen in case the level of the battery is low, or there is a fault in the detector.

The ERiS2 allows you to save the measurements , which include the date, time, measurements, unit, etc. It saves manually, or automatically with sampling times configurable. A simple software allows the download and storage of the data on a PC.


Model Reference Description
ERiS2-D LAM049V01

Monitor for radiation and contamination measuring

Quote request


Batteries charger
USB communication cable
User's manual (in USB drive)
Data download software (in USB drive)
Calibration Certificates (ISO9001)


Memory Record of date, time, measurement, parameters, status, etc. Selection of manual, automatic or timer. Capacity for approx. 8000 memory locations.
Connectivity -USB 2.0, Mini-B type connector, for communication and battery recharge.
Power High capacity internal rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery. Autonomy depends on the operational options. Maximum autonomy without recharge of approx. 250 hours (measuring background).
Response time Dynamic, minimum 2 s, 3-sigma criterion (standard deviation of the mean).
Pushbuttons Cover and high quality membrane keys.
LED Bicolor, alarm indication (red), and battery recharge (blue).
Display Graphic LCD, with backlight controlled by keyboard.
Audio Piezoelectric, indication of alarms. Controlled by keyboard.
Dimensions 11.7 x 7.2 x 2.5 cm.
Weight 220 g.
Temperature range -10ºC to +50ºC
Humidity range max. 90% RH (no condensed).


Detector type Geiger-Müller, mica window of 7 cm² (with protection grill, 80% of transparency)
Measuring type - With filter: Gamma y Rayos-X, H*(10), en Sv/h.
- Without filter: Alfa, Beta, Gamma, en cps.
Gamma sensibility approx. 3 cps/µSv/h (related to Cs137)
Rate indication range - With filter: 0.01 µSv/h - 3 mSv/h
- Without filter: 0.00 cps - 10 Kcps
Energy range 20 KeV to 3 MeV
Typical 2pi efficiences
(without filter, 4mm from the source)
Sr90+Y90 (β) ∼ 38%
Cl36 (β) ∼ 37%
C14 (β) ∼ 10%
Energy dependence
(with filter, related to Cs137)
-Max deviation ±25% from 200 KeV to 3 MeV (relative to Cs137)
-High dependence from 20 KeV to 200 KeV
Accuracy Max deviation ±15% over the measurement range (relative to Cs137).


Password for changing parameters YES
Language selection YES, Spanish or English
Dead time correction YES
Measuring units Sv/h, cps
Self-test with indication of alarms, detector error, low battery, and out of range YES
Dinamic time constant, 3-Sigma criteria YES
Display maximum YES
"Search" function YES
data memory YES
Data Download software YES

USB communication cable

Communication cable

Included with ERiS2 models

Standard battery charger

Standard battery charger for ERiS2, from main power 100-220VAC

Included with ERiS2 models

Batteries charger, for vehicles

Charger of ERiS2 batteries, for charging in vehicle with lighter adapter (12V)

Case for ERiS2

Protection and transport case for ERiS2, with strap

This table shows a comparative between instruments for measuring radiation.

Gamma and X-Rays H*(10) measurement
Alpha, Beta, Gamma contamination measurement with external sondes
Internal detector Optional Optional Optional
External sondes Optional Optional Optional
Stationary Optional Optional
Wall holder Optional Optional
Rechargeable battery
External power
Data store Optional
Data Download/Register software Optional

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